KAUST Insight
Here you can download the issues of KAUST Insight to read the stories behind the discoveries.
Read our aligned publication KAUST Discovery for the stories about our science.

KAUST Insight
Issue 2
December 2022
Welcome to the second issue of KAUST Insight, our publication dedicated to revealing the stories behind KAUST’s research discoveries.
In this issue, we recount stories of the inspiring research that seeks to address both fundamental and future-thinking challenges. Read about exciting collaborations within the multidisciplinary Smart-Health Initiative that will deliver important health goals for the Kingdom and beyond.
These articles illustrate the high quality of the education and research experience at KAUST. They highlight student successes and academic accomplishments, and the key role played by KAUST’s world-class laboratory facilities.

KAUST Insight
Issue 1
November 2021
Welcome to the first issue of KAUST Insight, our new publication dedicated to revealing the stories behind KAUST’s research discoveries.
In this issue, we recount stories of unexpected collaborations, the inspiring pursuit of answers to global challenges and the sometimes serendipitous route to tackling difficult questions in fundamental research.
These articles illustrate the high quality of the education and research experience at KAUST. They highlight student successes and academic accomplishments, and the key role played by KAUST’s world-class laboratory facilities.